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Seaports assessment for Picturae

To prove Picturae that i am one of the most creative front-end developers they asked me to make a redesign of the Seaports Beeldbank home page. The new site is clean and responsive.

home page
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Fully redesigned homepage.

Homepage desktop. Its clean and simple. On the left screen you can see the old website and on the right you can see the new design. In the new sollution i put in an nice video of a drone flight above the area of Zeeland Seaports.

Offer page

Give them the focus!

The page starts with a massive almost full screen video. But if you scroll down a little a sweet animation gives you the focus to the content. The content slide's a bit up.

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Hover states.

Hover states of the link elemets. There are two types of linkblocks. One is the one with the big image and we have content link-blocks. The one with the image wil get an smooth overlay of blue. The one with the text wil geta butten on the bottem right.

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Comparison of the homepage desktoptop mobile.

As small comparison of how the desktop page looks and a clear view on how the page looks on mobile

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More mobile.

How i solved the content blocks on the mobile version. And on the right side how the footer works on mobile. If you would like to see this page work for real go to: the preview of seaport