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Probiblio Overview page

Probiblio is a company that has their focus for the marketing for libraries. For the company Probiblio i designed and develop the Probiblio overviewpage. The purpose of this intern software is that there is an over view of all the software they use. All the instructions, campaigns, and mailings are stalled here.

home page
object detail

All the software at one place.

The first page contain's all the applications and instructions. Probiblio works with alot of software. To keep things clear and simpel i designed and build the overviewpage.

Offer page

What is Tripolis Retail?

Here is an example of a detailed page with a view options. All you need to know about Tripolis Retail can you find here.

Offer page

Not in the office?

This software is also fully responsive. You have the option of using it on desktop, Tablet, And even a phone. So even when you are at an client and you need info you can still get it.